I often quote the late Peter Drucker who said, “culture eats strategy for breakfast”.
A healthy office culture is what inspires us to go to work each day. But, as more people work from home, the notion of a company culture is being tested.
Big time.
Over the past few months, we’ve learned to work virtually. But, are you fulfilled after a steady diet of Zoom meetings? More importantly, do you feel the same passion for your job?
Some folks enjoy the isolation and prefer working from their kitchen table. So, WFH makes sense for knowledge workers and introverts who prefer flying solo.
No politics, no pants, no problem.
But, most of us are social beings who miss the office camaraderie and kicking around ideas in the hallway. Brainstorming at the coffee pot. Without that connection, there’s a void that even virtual happy hours can’t fill.
We’ve shown we can work efficiently. But, are companies sacrificing their culture?
Here’s my take: Human contact has never been more important. So, leaders must now balance high-tech with high-touch. And that starts with giving teams what they crave most: Trust.
Closely followed by transparency, feedback, recognition, and direction.
Drucker could’ve never imagined people working are 6 feet apart, much less 6,000 miles. But I bet he’d agree that sharing the company’s vision should be done face-to-face. He might insist that remote workers maintain some presence in the office, at conferences and company events.
And forget WFH, it’s now WFA. We have the freedom to Work From Anywhere. So, set up shop where you’re most productive; whether it’s your backyard or the beach.
As long as you continue to bring it.